CAASP Membership Options:

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Individual Membership: $30.00 (Current educators)

1. Participation in all CAASP general meetings
2. Discounted registration at any CAASP Professional Development opportunities

Future Educators and Retired Educators: $15.00

1. Participation in all CAASP general meetings
2. Discounted registration at any CAASP Professional Development opportunities

Program Affiliate: $50.00

1. Discounted registration for your students at the Student-led spring conference for your program
2. Discounted registration at any CAASP Professional Development opportunities

Premium Program Membership: $100.00 (Greatest Benefit)

1. Participation in all CAASP general meetings for (up to 2 representatives)
2. Representatives can rotate between any staff at the school/program
3. Help shape the direction of alternative education and have your voice heard
4. Discounted registration at student conferences for your program
5. Discounted registration at any CAASP Professional Development opportunities for all staff members

Initial Promo -

Discounted sign-up period for Premium membership to push out new memberships by a certain date.

Renew your membership and save your spot for the next school year and save! (Sign up but can pay in the following) Lock in next year at this year’s price
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